Monday, January 31, 2005

just in time for fasnacht.

i just got an email from alex:
in two weeks he'll hop on a flight to basel. it'll only be for a week, but still!

it's so wonderful! yay!

here i was slowly getting used to the idea that i wouldn't see him for another few months and missing him just a tiny tiny tiny little bit, and next thing i know he's booked a flight to basel to be with his gal - just in time for fasnacht.
first thing i asked him was whether he was intending to propose, it being valentine's and all. doesn't seem to be the case though. one should never underestimate the romantic potential of the american male around valentine's day though, right?

so i get to see alex, too. or so i hope. if his galpal does't get as overboard jealous as when we met at the christmas market in december.
his upcoming trip might also mean that i'll have to cook that three (or was it five?) course john-kerry-memorial-dinner for loosing my bet that he'd win a lot sooner that expected. but that'll be fine, too.
after all, i'll get to see alex!

okay, this woman here is seriously elated. very seriously so.

off to do a happy dance in front of the computer.