Friday, July 04, 2003

i love my life. and july.

i am in love like i never thought possible. dirk came over late wednesday night and stayed till this morning when it was time for school, because we were unable to say goodbye last night. he went to school in the work pants he had worn wednesday afternoon and my villa maria rugby shirt.

the tour starts tomorrow, and i've got my day firmly planned around the broadcast of the prolouge. hell, i've got the next two weeks firmly planned around the tour.

i re-potted my sunflowers today.

i worked out, for the first time since the bike crash and the heat, and loved it, and chatted nicely with folks at the gym.

there are many good people, near and far, that i care about, and who care about me.

i am slowly but surely figuring out what i want to do with my life.

mic is coming over tonight, and i'll be cooking chicken in djion-mustard curry sauce, followed by jamie oliver's mousse au chocolate.

it's been raining for almost three days straight, and between showers, the air is fresh, the sky is washed clear, and the clouds are fluffy and white.

i love my life, this july.