Sunday, June 22, 2003

i wonder why people want things in life, when they can have this love thing.

the last few days have been spend in complete and utter happiness, a happiness that is so all-surrounding, there is little place for anything else.

thursday night, dirk, michi, ute and i spend the night at a nearby lake. we swam at dusk, the light being unbelievably pretty, tinting everything golden, then pink, enhancing the green of the trees and the blue of the lake. we lit a fire, bbqed, drank, smoked and talked. i lay under a tree on the pebbly beach and looked up, seeing the stars between the leaves, dirk by my side. we slept under the stars, me cuddled up against dirk, near the fire, and i saw the shooting star i had wished for and made a wish.
when the sun was up, we swam again, naked, and i felt free and loved and just unbelievably content about where i was, who i was with, how i was feeling - all that despite being tired, despite having managed to be bitten by a flea (anyone wanting to scratch my stomach?), despite a slight sunburn.

it's fucking awesome, this love thing, it really is. it leaves me breathless and smiling like a lunatic, wanting nothing more than what i already have, yet at the same time making me realise that i can do anything and everything, being loved this way. it's making me re-discover sides of myself i had long forgotten about, and making me do things i never thought were me. - but they are.
i am more myself than i have been in years. and it's all because of this love thing.


du, sagst du, ich bin kein mann für eine nacht,
ich muss nur immer irre viel verreisen.
heut hab ich mal drüber nachgedacht, deine chance ist da,
ich kann es dir beweisen.

nimm mich mit, nimm mich mit, nimm mich mit, tommyboy
auf das abenteuer liebe und so weiter!
ich kann’s sehn, es wird gehen,
es wird doppel-dreifach-schön
mit dir als mein begleiter!

ich mal dir alle unsere möglichkeiten aus:
nordpol, südpol, grossstadt oder strand...
am strand der ganze sand...
vielleicht lieber doch aufs land...
bin jedenfalls schon so gespannt...

"nimm mich mit" ~2raumwohnung~